To reach those that no-one is reaching, by building a large, future focused, Bible based Church, that leads people to follow Jesus all the days of their lives.

Mission Statement

Vision Sunday 2022

The Church I See

The Church that I see is a large, multi-campus, future focused, Bible based Church, whose mission and passion is glorifying God and the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

A Church that loves God, loves people and loves the nation; a Church that is strategic in its outward focus, that exists to reach those that no-one is reaching with the hope that is found in Jesus.

I see an anointed, Spirit-filled Church, full of God’s presence, operating in the gifts and the fruit of the Holy Spirit, depending totally on His help, where all is done in His strength, not ours. A Church that partners with God in passionate prayer, submitting all things to his authority. 

I see a confident and courageous Church, full of God’s grace and truth in equal measure; that influences and challenges our culture, but does not conform to it.

I see a Church that draws from the spiritual heritage of Wales, but seeks to pioneer again in both the urban and the rural; a Church that is relentless in stretching further, and in pursuing the immeasurably more that God has for the nation. I see a Church that also looks beyond Wales, to the world.

I see a Church that boldly proclaims the powerful, unchanging Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, the forgiveness of sins found at the Cross, and the promise of new life found in the Resurrection.

A Church that is authentic and robust in its theology, and seeks to communicate God’s Word in an effective manner to a secular, postmodern culture.

A Church where the preaching is passionate, faith-filled, and results in mindsets changed, lives transformed, and souls saved.

I see a Church with powerful praise and worship, which glorifies God and edifies His Church. I see excellent worship that is passionate and joyful, and which leads others to sense the presence of Heaven.

A Church that sings a new song, and that remains youthful and current in style, in order to best lead an unchurched generation to worship their Creator. A Church which gives expression to God-given creativity, that it may be used for His glory and to engage with humanity.

I see a Church that seeks to be world-class in its use of Creative Media to communicate its message. A Church that constantly innovates in seeking to reach the wider world, through film, media and technology.

I see a Church which places huge emphasis on Kids Ministry, which is passionate about leading them to love Jesus and to love His Church all the days of their lives. A Church which creates an irresistible environment so full of fun, that kids can’t wait to get there, and never want to leave.

I see a Church that sees being radical as a non-negotiable to reach the next generation. A Church that will do anything short of sin to introduce young people to Jesus, to welcome them as part of His family, and to raise and equip them to step into their God-given calling. 

I see a Church that is for everyone, where each generation is valued and where every age can play their part in finding their place in serving the cause of Christ together. A Church that reflects our Triune God, in being full of diversity, yet utterly committed to unity.

I see a Church that always remains personal, and is committed to meeting all across the region in the homes of the congregation, a Church where real community happens, where disciples are made, friendships are formed, and where no-one does the journey alone.

I see a Church full of incredible leaders, who in their turn raise, equip and release new leaders into their calling. 

A Church that is powered by an army of volunteers who are servant-hearted, un-offendable and Kingdom focused; a Church that is not built on the talents of a few, but on the sacrifices of the many.

I see a Church that works for justice in our local community and globally; a Church that helps the poor, sets the captive free, and supports the persecuted. A Church where Jesus’ command to love our neighbour is outworked from every heart, and flows out from the Church into the wider community.

I see a Church that cares for the broken, for the hurting, for the outcast, and always works towards restoration, redemption and healing, refusing to believe that anyone is beyond the redemptive power of the cross.

I see a Church that values the feminine and the masculine, and seeks to nurture and empower both unique aspects of God’s image that is reflected upon the Earth, male and female.

I see a generous Church, whose world gets larger and larger, as it acts on the promise that it is more blessed to give than to receive. 

I see an expansionist Church that continually outgrows its buildings, that is always seeking the space for the increase and that is excellent in its systems and strategies. 

I see a Church that is encouraging, full of life, and full of faith, where services are enjoyed and not endured, a Church that goes both wide in reach and deep in discipleship, and where all are welcomed Home.

I see a Church that regularly plunders Hell and populates Heaven in Jesus’ name.

A Church that joins in with God’s renewal project, seeking redemption in every situation, working towards and awaiting the New Creation that is to come, and whose activity reflects its heartfelt prayer, for God’s Kingdom to come on Earth, and in Wales, as it is in Heaven. 

24th of January, 2020